Christmas deliveries, new partnerships and new gloves coming

This week at GKHero has been a little quieter behind the scenes that regular readers of this blog will be used to; most of our time has been needed to handle the volume incoming orders. Having said that, there’s still a fair amount to report on from the last seven days.

I’ve finished adding some of the range of kit and accessories we produced for Keepers Goalkeeping Coaching to the website, which provides an example of one of the types of project we’re able to deliver for our partners. Jon at ‘Keepers’ has been delighted with the products, and has already expressed interest in expanding the range into further sizes.

Talking of partnerships, I’ve reached an agreement to share GKHeroTV content with a popular goalkeeping website. I’m aiming to fully launch GKHeroTV in the New Year, although I’m well aware that projects such as this can sometimes experience hold-ups. Some of our reviewers have already received their first batch of products to test before recording their video reviews. We now have plenty of reviewers signed-up and on board, but if it’s not too late if you’d like to get involved, just drop us a line for more information.

I’ve also taken the first step toward formalising an existing link with a partner in Ireland, whose remit will be to raise awareness, and push sales to clubs and organisations. If you think you’d be a good representative of GKHero, and if you have relationships with a number of clubs or goalkeeping schools in your area, then we may be able to offer an opportunity to get involved and earn some cash. Just introduce yourself to us in an email, and let us know why you would be a positive ambassador for GKHero.

Looking forward, I expect to be adding new RK1s models to our Outlet Store in the next week. Another thing I expect is an influx of emails asking if orders will be delivered in time for Christmas. We guarantee that all UK and Channel Island orders received before 18th December will be delivered before Christmas day. Deliveries outside of the UK will obviously take longer, and delivery times will vary significantly depending on the destination, but if you drop us a line a we’ll let you know the last order date for your country.

Until next week,
